Great Basin Bristlecone Pine 2


Location:  Great Basin National Park is about 310 miles north of Las Vegas near the eastern border of Nevada. The trip from LV takes a little over 4 1/2 hours. From the airport go north on I-15 about 30 miles to the Great Basin Highway. The parking lot for the trail to the top of Mt. Wheeler is roughly:

Find the location: Copy the coordinates below. Open Google Earth, paste the coordinates into "Fly To" and click on the magnifying glass.

39° 00' 36.73" N
114° 18' 27.40" W

Equipment: Canon A2e with 100-300 lens and polarizing filter.  Velvia transparency film, ISO 50.

Digital Manipulation: Image scanned with Minolta Dimage Scan Multi PRO at 4800 dpi.  Emulsion artifact removed.

Notes: Bristlecone Pines (Pinus longaeva), thought to be the oldest non-clonal living things, can be found in Great Basin NP, Cedar Breaks NM, Shulman and Patriarch Groves in the White Mountains northwest of Bishop, California (to name a few). The oldest of these grew in the area that became Great Basin NP before being cut down at the age of 4900. The current "oldest living thing" is "Methuselah" growing in Schuman's Grove. The Bristlecones of Rocky Mountain NP (Pinus aristata) live an ephemeral 1500 years. Oh, and if you are one of those bleeding heart, left wing, clonal-living-thing need to look for Quaking Aspen. Yeah, yeah, yeah, we've all heard about the 8000 year old Norway Spruce, but that was counted in Scandanavian years, so you know...



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