Monument Valley Window


Location:  Monument Valley, located in the southeastern part of Utah. It is north east of Kayenta, AZ and southwest of Mexican Hat Utah, roughly:

Find the location: Copy the coordinates below. Open Google Earth, paste the coordinates into "Fly To" and click on the magnifying glass.

36° 58’ 54.09” N
110° 06’ 51.60” W

It is north east of Kayenta, AZ and southwest of Mexican Hat Utah. 

Equipment:  Canon D30.  ISO 100, f 9.5, shutter speed 1/20 second.  Taken 6 P.M. February 2, 2002.

Digital manipulation:  slight color adjustment.

Notes: Beautiful rock formations and a favorite site for John Ford/John Wayne movies. There are places to stay in Kayenta or at Goulding's.  Since this is all Navajo (Diné) land, you will need to hire a guide to visit most sites.  Guides are available through the Visitors’ Center.  The window may also have other names so check out the postcards to either identify a name or to show to the guide.  At any rate, the window is located a couple of miles in back of Goulding’s and requires a relatively easy drive across loose sand and a short walk to the site.

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