Travertine Pools - Havasu Falls


Location:  Access is usually from Peach Springs, AZ.  If you are coming from a distance, many people choose to stay overnight in the Hualapai Reservation at Peach Springs, AZ.  There is a nice motel and the trip to  Hualapai Hilltop is about an hour from there in the morning.  To access, park at the Hilltop and then hike, ride horseback, or take a helicopter flight to Supai in the Havasupi Reservation.  Pack mules are available for rent to take luggage/supplies to Supai.  Navajo, Havasu, Mooney and Beaver Falls are located approximately 1.5, 2, 3, and 5 miles from Supai.  Campgrounds are located along the creek between Havasu and Mooney falls.  In Supai, there is a lodge, general store (2) and a café.  Alcohol is prohibited on the reservations.

Find the location: Copy the coordinates below. Open Google Earth, paste the coordinates into "Fly To" and click on the magnifying glass.

Havasupai Hilltop is roughly:

36° 09' 34.54" N
112° 42' 33.62" W

Supai location is roughly:
36° 14' 13.00" N
112° 41' 17.74" W

Equipment:  Havasu Falls, Travertine Pools – Havasu Falls, Travertine Overlook – Mooney Falls:  Canon 5D.  ISO set at 50 and aperature was f 22, shutter speeds 1.6, 2.0 and 2.6 seconds.  Havasu Falls Overlook: Canon 10D ISO 100, f 22, shutter speed 1.0.  Shot mid morning to mid afternoon.  Digital manipulation: none.

Notes:  Very nice trip and great hike.  We returned on horseback which was also fun and a lot less work.  You can rent pack mules that will carry you bags from the parking lot to Supai.  They traverse the valley a few times a day and are herded by employees.

Havasu Falls location is roughly:
36° 15' 17.89" N
112° 41' 52.68" W


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